Individual Platform
WUSA Advocacy
WUSA Operations
University Advocacy
Senate-Specific Goals
01. WUSA Advocacy
Sustainability: addressing ClimateJusticeUW Open Letter & Research Sustainability through RSP
Set effective strategic federal and provincial advocacy direction through consultation with WUSA membership
Partner with/and or collaborate with the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office to address member concerns in the WUSA Focus Group
Investigate ways to bolster relationships with WUSA Services; review the specific advocacy mandates, and find a successful path forward for student & service advocacy
Share more frequent communications about WUSA advocacy - through dispersion of RSP information; Imprint; or other effective media
03. University Advocacy
1. Ombuds Office Advocacy - the office is impartial, accessible to students, and able to inform WUSA, GSA, and the University of Waterloo of policy gaps
2. More Campus-wide adoption of so all course outlines are available for courses offered to students
3. Communication Channels with student leaders - Re-create a forum to maintain contact with VP, Academics from WUSA constituency societies and Undergraduate Senators
4. Sector Sustainability points, Housing & Transit points, Student Mental Health Points, University Master Plan Points
02. WUSA Operations
Look into more opportunities for WUSA members to get engaged in volunteer work within the organisation.
Easy, accessible feedback mechanisms on student experience, events etc…
Easier directions to form submissions on the WUSA website for students
Honoraria for Student Leaders and Relevant Positions/Grants or Funds allocated to Student Leader Support/Benefit
Reinstate the renewed version of the Sustainability Coordinator Position in the new Spring Budget at WUSA with more flexibility and budget to pursue sustainability initiatives
See opportunities to re-implement to WalkSAFE Program
Complete actions to address Campus Safety as stipulated by the WUSA June 29th Statement: WUSA statement on the hate motivated attack at Hagey Hall – Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association
Investigate options for food sustainability and support by partnering with the food support program and collaborating with Wilfred Laurier GSA to examine their mini mart (food support mart)
Senate-Specific Goals
Through my strong leadership, communication, and time management skills I am hoping to:
1. Community Forums or events in partnership with ESS or the Program Societies to collect information and insights from our ENV community to convey at the Senate in a timely manner.
2. Convey Calls to Action from Community Organizations on-campus
3. As stipulated in 'Waterloo @100' the University should lead globally, and act locally. As such, through Senate I am hoping to bring attention to ClimateJustice, Sustainability, Food Insecurity, Student Wellness, and Gender-Based and Sexual Violence Prevention and Response (through working with community organizations, clubs, and student leaders)
If you’d like more information about my platform, get in touch today.
Sector Sustainability
Requests for:
Joint advocacy with WUSA and relevant student groups to find sustainable methods of maintaining or if needed increasing student tuition while sustaining essential student services, programs, and supports across campus.
Inquire with other post-secondary institutions on the best supports for international students along the lines of grants and scholarships that can improve international student transition.
Housing & Transit
Requests for:
Investigate opportunities for emergency relief funds/support programs for students who need emergency housing.
Investigate opportunities to look into bylaws that prevent 'renovictions'
Ensure the UPass Negotiations in the 2024 year are successful and beneficial for students at all 3 institutions in KWCG.
Student Mental Health
Requests for:
As noted by recent studies on mental health and counselling services offered by post-secondary institutions. On average, the wait time for counselling and therapy is 67 days and for intensive treatment, the average is 92 days across the board. To improve mental health and wellness access at UW we must understand how many days on average students wait for intensive treatment and counselling - if it exceeds the current average - there should be goals set and methods put in place to further reduce wait times.
Request for methods or plans to reduce counselling service wait times or campus wellness service wait times for specific services to be reduced
Find opportunities to increase student support within classroom spaces and outside of classroom spaces
Investigate on WUSA side with other student representatives on best practices to support their student body
University Master Plan
Requests for:
The last Uwaterloo Campus Master Plan was updated on Feb 3, 2009. The new master plan of the university should include appropriate amounts of community consultation with students, student leaders, staff members, alumni, and discussion with city stakeholders.
Consultation and community or collaborative-oriented planning can help prepare for current and future needs and necessities